First time to climb in Gravity
As mentioned in an earlier post I saw how much fun the two girls were having climbing so I decided to take it up again. Boulder was anĀ alienĀ concept to me when they started as all the climbing I had ever done involved ropes, harnesses and other kit. I soon realised the benefits of bouldering and saw how quickly the girls improved with the need to harness up and tie on ropes was gone, if they fell off they just stood up and tried again.
It was one of their 11th birthdays and she decided to take her friends climbing to Gravity as they all knew how much fun she had climbing. So off we set on Friday 11 May 2012 and as the instructors had them busy Paddy, another Dad from Winders, was already climbing so I decide to join him. We tried a couple of the green routes and they were tricky and I even bottled it on one and did not make the last move. The last climb of the night was a green with a slight over hang, after missing the last climb I was determined to get his one. I got it on the second attempt and was delighted with myself.
Good nights climbing.